1. 신형 모델3의 미국 배송이 이달 말(1월)부터 시작합니다.
- 모든 업그레이드에도 불구하고 가격은 이전과 동일
- 새로운 Long Range 트림은 기존 LR 트림(333)에 비해 8마일 더 많은 범위(341)를 얻을 수 있음
X의 Sawyer Merritt님(@SawyerMerritt)
Deliveries of the new Model 3 in the US will begin by the end of this month (January). Despite all the upgrades, the prices are the same as before. You get 8 more miles of range (341) on the new Long Range trim vs the old LR trim (333).
2. Hertz는 자사 웹사이트 의 Rent2Buy 차량 판매 프로그램의 일환으로 수백 대의 초기 Tesla 렌탈 차량을 상당히 저렴한 가격에 판매하고 있습니다.
가격은 최저 $20,000이지만 $4,000의 연방 중고 EV 크레딧을 포함하면 $16,000까지 낮아질 수 있습니다.
Hertz is selling off some of its Tesla models that were formerly rentals, and the vehicles are currently available at some pretty low prices.
As part of the Rent2Buy vehicle sales program on its website, Hertz has listed hundreds of its early Tesla rentals for sale at fairly low prices. The vast majority of the inventory vehicles listed are the Model 3, though you can also see a decent amount of Model Y units listed on the web page. As some have pointed out on X, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) also offers a reduced electric vehicle (EV) tax credit on used purchases, which could potentially bring these prices down by another $4,000.
While they aren’t available at the time of writing, the X account Rivian Updates was able to find Tesla inventory options on the site for as low as $17,700, potentially bringing the price to as low as $13,700 with the used EV tax credit. At this time, the lowest price available is $20,200 for a 2021 Model 3 Standard Range Plus.
3. Tesla는 현재 더 많은 Cybertruck Foundation 시리즈 초대 이메일을 발송하고 있습니다. (8번째 초대)
X의 Sawyer Merritt님(@SawyerMerritt)
NEWS: Tesla is sending out more Cybertruck Foundation series invite emails right now. This is the 8th wave of invites in the last month.
4. Tesla는 "Satin Abyss Blue"라는 이름의 Model 3 및 Y용 8번째 PPF 랩($6,000)을 출시했습니다.
- 8 colors are available:
• Satin Abyss Blue: $6,000
• Satin Stealth Black: $5,700
• Glacier Blue: $6,000
• Satin Rose Gold: $6,000
• Slip Grey: $5,700
• Forest green: $6,000
• Satin Ceramic White: $5,700
• Crimson Red: $6,000
X의 TeslaZoa님(@TeslaZoa)
Tesla는 "Satin Abyss Blue"라는 이름의 Model 3 및 Y용 8번째 PPF 랩을 출시했습니다. https://t.co/stfpC4OfX0
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