1. 기가 베를린에서 공기 정화나 물의 배수 등과 같은 공장 시스템의 기능을 테스트 할 수 있는 허가를 받았습니다.
우리는 예비가 아닌 정식 허가를 원합니다. Plz.
esla Giga Berlin has received another preliminary approval to test the functionality of the factory's systems, including exhaust water and air purification systems. This approval indicates that the factory may soon be ready ready for full commissioning.
On June 1, Tesla received another preliminary approval from the State Environmental Agency. It includes authorization to test the functionality of the systems in the Paint Shop, Casting, and Body in White, according to a statement from the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment. In addition, the installation of wastewater treatment tanks has been agreed upon.
2. 테슬라 건식 전극 기술 덕분에 기가 베를린에서의 물 소비가 초소화 될 것으로 보입니다.
배터리 공장은 특히 물 소비가 많기 때문에 환경 단체 등에서 발목 잡기 쉬운데, 미리 차단해 주어 다행이네요.
After planning the Grünheide factory, Tesla adjusted the maximum water consumption during peak hours to match the capacity of the local water supply. The construction of the battery factory has raised concerns that Giga Berlin will need to increase the amount of water consumed. It has now become known that Tesla will not need additional water, which was probably made possible thanks to the dry electrode technology used by the manufacturer in the production of 4680 tabless cells.
The water consumption of Giga Berlin is a popular topic, even though it already exhausted itself when Tesla was signed a supply contract with the local water association in 2020. The recently filed application for the construction of a battery factory has again made local residents and some organizations worried about water supply, however there is no reason for this.
3. 테슬라가 외식 사업에도 진출합니다.
음식, 팝업, 셀프 서비스, 테이크아웃 레스토랑 서비스 등을 포괄하는 제조사 상품 등록 신청을 했습니다.
이건 2018년 1월 7일, 2021년 4월 3일, 머스크가 트위터에 언급한 적이 있습니다. 그냥 음식점을 만드는 것이 아니고, 슈퍼 차저 스테이션과의 연계입니다.
4. 4월 전세계적으로 약 39만 2천대의 EV가 등록되었는데, 모델Y가 모델3를 앞질렀습니다.
모델Y 는 16,232 대, 모델3 는 14,980 대 입니다.
모델 Y의 돌풍이 대단하네요.
In April, around 392,000 electric vehicles were registered globally, making it the fourth-best month in the history of electrification. Tesla, the world’s leader in electric vehicles, maintained 2nd and 3rd place on April’s sales charts, with the Model Y overtaking its sibling Model 3 for the first time globally.
In April, the Model Y accumulated 16,232 registrations, according to the , a website that tracks global electric vehicle sales. The Model 3 sold only 14,980, making it the third most popular EV globally. The first was the HongGuang Mini EV from Wuling. Its highly affordable price tag that starts at around $5,000 makes it one of the most popular vehicles globally despite not having standard features without additional charges. The vehicle is sold in China mostly, where the Wuling-General Motors-SAIC joint venture vehicle has dominated the Chinese EV sector’s sales figures for around 8 consecutive months.
5. 기가 차이나 법무팀은 모델X의 브레이크 고장 영상을 게시한 틱톡 계정을 추적했고, 결국 오너는 공개 사과를 했습니다. 자신이 모델X를 3년 동안 타면서 아무 문제 없었다고 하네요.
기가 상하이 측에서 이제는 강력 대응을 하네요.
건전하게 투자하는 주주들분들을 위해 FUD 도 사라지길 원합니다.
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