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2021. 7. 19. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 7. 19.

1. 브란덴부르크 경제부 장관은 '거부할 사유가 없기 때문에 기가 베를린 최종 건축 허가를 받아야 한다'라고 말했습니다.

Tesla Giga Berlin is awaiting the final environmental building permit. The Minister of Economy of Brandenburg is confident that the manufacturer will soon receive it since there are no reasons for refusal.


2. 테슬라가 독일, 네덜란드, 벨기에의  홍수 피해 지역에 일시적으로 슈퍼차저 무료로 이용할 수 있도록 했습니다.

In recent days, Europe has been hit by the most catastrophic flooding in the region in 20 years due to climate change. Hundreds of people have died and thousands are missing. Tesla has made free access to Superchargers in flood-affected areas of Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium so that people can find a safe haven as soon as possible.


3. 샌디 먼로가 테슬라 모델Y와 포드 Mustang Mach-E  열 시스템을 분해-비교했는데, 역시 모델Y가 지속/재생 가능한 미래를 염두하고 만들었다고 평했습니다.

친환경적이고, 단순하며, 제작 비용을 줄였다는 것이 요점입니다.

모델Y의 열 시스템은 총 길이 6.35m로 10개의 호수를 사용했고, 모델Y보다 차량 제작비가 250% 더 많이든 Mustang Mach-E는 총 길이는 18.42m 이며, 35개로 이루어졌습니다.

또한, Mach-E 경우는 일반적으로 무겁고 재활용이 쉽지 않은 기존의 고무 냉각수 호스를 일부 사용했다네요.

As discussed by automotive teardown expert Sandy Munro in his Munro Live YouTube channel, the Tesla Model Y’s thermal system is quite a feat in first-principles thinking and engineering. This could be seen in custom-designed components such as the Octovalve, as well as the hoses that Tesla used for the system. Munro noted that overall, the Model Y’s thermal system only uses 10 hoses with a total length of 6.35 meters, which is very conservative compared to other electric vehicles in the market.

Compared to the Model Y, the Mach-E uses 250% more parts, which likely makes the vehicle more costly to build.

The teardown team found that the Mustang Mach-E’s thermal system had a total part count of 35 pieces, and the total length of its hoses stood at 18.42 meters, over two times longer than the hoses used in the Model Y. The fluids in the Model Y are significantly less than those used in the Mustang Mach-E as well, though they essentially play the same role.


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