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2021. 10. 25. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 10. 25.

1. 스페이스X의 스타링크 위성 서비스가 그리스에도 제공될 예정입니다.

위성은 현재까지 1,797개 입니다.

SpaceX will soon beam Starlink internet to customers living in Greece who pre-ordered the service through the company’s official website Starlink.com. According to a Greek City Times news report, SpaceX plans to initiate Starlink service in the country before this year ends. Initially, SpaceX will provide internet to a limited amount of customers who already placed an order. They will send Starlink Kits, which include the necessary hardware to connect to the network, starting in November to December 2021. The report states that in order to provide Starlink internet to Greece, the company will use Starlink Gateway ground stations that are operational neighboring countries. SpaceX does have plans to build a ground station in Greek territory next year.

The Starlink constellation is currently comprised of approximately 1,797 satellites operating in Low Earth Orbit. Overall, the constellation could have up to 20,000. The satellites are already beaming internet connection across over a dozen countries, including: United States, Canada, Chile, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany.


2. 모건 스탠리의 아담 조나스가 테슬라 PT를
$ 900 에서 $ 1,200 로 상향했고, 등급은 overweight 입니다.

또한, 불케이스로는 $1,200 에서 $1,600 로 높혔습니다.

상향 이유는 기존과 비슷하게 반도체 쇼티지가 있었음에도 불구하고 놀라운 양산력를 보여줬고, 전기자동차 산업을 리드하고 있기 때문입니다.

재밌는 것이 아담 조나스의 2019년 PT가 $10 이였고, 2020년 중반까지도 테슬라에 대해 엄청 부정적이었죠. 자신의 판단 미스를 인정하고 포지션을 바꿨다는 점, 충분히 박수 받을만 합니다.

끝으로, 주말에도 각 기관들의 목표 주가 상향이 있었기 때문에 테슬라 상황만 보자면 월요일 장도 무난 할 것으로 생각되네요.

3. 어제 FSD 베타 v 10.3 이 출시됐고, 안전 점수 99점 분들에게도 배포 되었습니다.

회전 정지, 추월 차선 이탈, 속도 기반 차선 변경 등을 제어할 수 있는 FSD 프로필 추가와 함께 기존보다 좋은 방향으로 개선되고 있습니다.

The following are the detailed Release Notes for Tesla FSD Beta 10.3. 

  • Added FSD Profiles that allow drivers to control behaviors like rolling stops, exiting passing lanes, speed-based lane changes, following distance and yellow light headway. 
  • Added planning capability to drive along oncoming lanes to maneuver around path blockage. 
  • Improved creeping speed by linking speed to visibility network estimation and distance to encroachment point of crossing lanes. 
  • Improved crossing object velocity estimation by 20% and yaw estimation by 25% by upreving surround video vehicle network with more data. Also increased system frame rate by +1.7 frames per second. 
  • Improved vehicle semantic detections (e.g. brake lights, turn indicators, hazards) by adding +25k video clips to the training data set. 
  • Improved static obstacle control by upreving the generalized static object network with 6k more video clips (+5.6% precision, +2.5% recall). 
  • Allowed more acceleration when merging from on-ramps onto major roads and when lane changing from slow to fast lanes. 
  • Reduced false slowdowns and improved offsetting for pedestrians by improving the model of interaction between pedestrians and the static world. 
  • Improved turning profile for unprotected turns by allowing ego to lane lines more naturally, when safe to do so. 
  • Improved speed profile for boosting onto high-speed roads by enforcing stricter longitudinal and lateral acceleration limits required to beat the crossing objects. 



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