어려운 장세 속에 힘드시겠지만 주가가 아닌 테슬라의 성장성을 보고 버티셔야 합니다.
1. 모델S 플레드가 쿼터 마일 8.943초를 깨고 8.83 신기록을 수립하여 세계에서 가장 빠른 양산차 타이틀을 확인시켰습니다.
Tesla Model S Plaid sets a new 1/4-mile record of 8.83 seconds at 161.37 mph, confirming its title as the fastest production car in the world. The car broke its previous record of 8.943 seconds.
2. 브란덴부르크 경제부 장관에 의하면 기가 베를린은 한달에 5-600 명씩의 직원을 채용 중이라고 말했습니다.
Tesla Giga Berlin continues its hardcore recruitment of new employees as it aims to ramp up production as soon as possible. According to the Minister of Economics of Brandenburg, the manufacturer hires about 500-600 people per month.
Tesla Giga Berlin will become the manufacturer's main production site for the European market. Having started mass production in March, the factory still has a lot of work to do in order to increase production, and for this, it will need thousands of employees. To do this, Tesla is working with a national employment agency that is trying to attract specialists who are no longer needed by German automakers and have been made redundant, as well as with others who have applied.
3. LG 에너지 솔루션이 테슬라용 배터리 셀 생산을 위해 4억 5,100만 달러를 투자하며, 내년 양산을 시작할 예정이라고 계획을 밝혔습니다. 규모는 9GWh 입니다.
LG Energy is set to invest $451 million in the mass production of Tesla 4680 battery cells. The manufacturer plans to start mass production of the new cells next year.
4. 허츠의 모델3 렌탈 서비스가 캐나다로 확대 되었습니다.
Canadians can now rent the Tesla Model 3 through Hertz as the company has brought the Model 3 to select airports across Canada.
A Drive Tesla reader sent us these pictures showing close to a dozen of the electric sedans in parking spots reserved for the Hertz rental vehicles at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport (YYZ).
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