
2023. 4. 17. 테슬라 소식

테슬라조아 2023. 4. 17. 16:05

1. Lathrop에 있는 Tesla Megafactory는 하루 12개의 메가팩을 만들고 있습니다.

아직 원활한 생산을 위한 장비가 설치되지 않은 것으로 예상됩니다.

Tesla Megafactory in Lathrop continues to gain momentum. The company produces about 12 Megapacks per day, according to a source. A doubling of production is expected in the near future, after the additional installation of the necessary machines.


2. 기가 멕시코를 단기간 내에 완공하려 했지만 새로운 소형 EV 생산을 위한 라인 설치 때문에 기간이 더 걸리는 것 같습니다.

담당 주지사는 12-15개월 소요로 말했습니다.

Governor Samuel García Sepúlveda recently announced that Tesla Gigafactory Mexico would take around 12 to 15 months to build–longer than it took Tesla China to build Giga Shanghai. Tesla China still holds the record for the fastest gigafactory made compared to Giga Berlin and Giga Texas. Giga Shanghai was entirely built in just nine months. However, there is a good reason for Giga Mexico’s extended construction period.


3. 상하이에 건설할 메가팩 공장을 위한 채용을 시작했습니다.


트위터에서 즐기는 Sawyer Merritt

“NEWS: @Tesla has announced that they've started hiring for their new upcoming Megapack factory in Shanghai. The factory is expected to produce up to 10,000 Megapacks annually, generating over $20B in revenue per year & help the world transition to a sus

