
2023. 05. 28. 테슬라 소식

테슬라조아 2023. 5. 28. 08:14

1. 테슬라가 캐나다의 슈퍼차저 일부를 타사 EV에게도 개방했습니다.

Tesla will open part of its extensive Supercharger network in Canada to all electric vehicles by the end of the year. The company has a plan to further expand the availability of charging stations for non-Tesla electric vehicles in the coming years.


2. 5월 26일부터 6월 30일까지 새로운 모델3 차량을 주문하는 텍사스 거주 고객이 Tesla Electric Home Charge Plan 에 등록하면 집에서 1년간 야간 충전을 무료로 할 수 있습니다.


Once enrolled in the upcoming Tesla Electric Home Charging Plan for Tesla vehicles, qualifying customers will be able to seamlessly charge their new Model 3 at home and have their overnight charging fee waived for a year.

To be eligible for this offer, you must:

- Order and pick up a new Model 3 between May 26, 2023, and June 30, 2023
- Sign up with Tesla Electric and enroll in the Tesla Electric Home Charging Plan when invited
- Live at a utility service address that has retail choice in Texas
- Charge your vehicle at the same address as your home electricity location
- Note: Existing Tesla Electric customers and Powerwall owners do not qualify for this offer at this time.


3. FSD 베타의 부적절한 사용에 대한 정지 기간이 2주에서 1주로 짧아졌습니다.




트위터에서 즐기는 Teslascope

“The suspension period for improper usage of Full Self-Driving (Beta) has been cut in half; from two weeks down to one! This is a major sign of confidence from the @Tesla Autopilot and AI teams! 🙌”


4. 일본에서 모델S/X 주문 시작 기념 이벤트 "Plaid Night"가 열렸고, 그 이후 6월 2일(금) - 4일(일) 테슬라 신사이바시에서 특별 전시가 있습니다.




트위터에서 즐기는 Tesla Japan

“受注開始となったModel S, Model X の記念イベント "Plaid Night"を開催しました。 日本上陸を待ちわびていた多くのテスラオーナーやテスラファンに見守られ、最新のModel S, Model Xの初披露を楽し


