2021. 5. 18. 테슬라 소식
1. 르네상스 테크놀로지(Renaissance Technologies)에서 지난 3개월 동안 테슬라 지분은 217% 확대 했습니다.
Renaissance Technologies has filed a 13F-HR form disclosing ownership of 827,381 shares of Tesla Inc. with total holdings valued at $552,633,000 as of March 31, 2021. Renaissance Technologies had filed a previous 13F-HR on February 10, 2021, disclosing 260,875 shares of Tesla at a value of $184,092,000. This represents a change in shares of 217.16 percent and a change in the value of 200.19 percent during the quarter.
2. 기가 베를린이 정말 약 6개월 지연이 맞는듯 합니다. 머스크는 2021년 말 이전에 양산되길 바라고 있다네요.
조바심 내지 말고 지켜 보시죠.
Elon in Berlin <3 Q: why are you here?
E(lon): Giga Berlin had a nice name to it
Q: Any Problems with the german [bureaucracy]
E: We´re making pretty good progress[...] so far so good
Q: When will we get the first car out[...]
A: hopefully end of this year
Tesla_Adri on Twitter
“Elon in Berlin <3 Q: why are you here? E(lon): Giga Berlin had a nice name to it Q: Any Problems with the german [bureaucracy] E: We´re making pretty good progress[...] so far so good Q: When will we get the first car out[...] A: hopefully end of this
3. 인공지능 기반 ETF(The Qraft AI-Enhanced US Large Cap Momentum ETF) 가 최근 주가 하락 중 테슬라 주식을 140만 달러 매수했습니다.
이 ETF 의 포트폴리오 중 가장 많은 비중은 페이스북(8.1%)이 차지하고 있고, 그 다음은 아마존(7.74), 테슬라(5.39)는 3위 입니다.
최근 추매하신 분들은 AI 급으로 성투하고 계신거네요 ^^
The Qraft AI-Enhanced US Large Cap Momentum ETF is optimized and actively managed by AI technology, and the fund seeks to invest in U.S. large-cap momentum stocks by capitalizing on the movement of existing market trends. The investment objective of the fund is to seek capital appreciation.
The ETF bought Tesla for $1,379,401, which equates to 2,339 shares. Thus, Tesla became the third largest investment in the fund's portfolio, comprising 5.39%. Facebook shares account for 8.1% of investments and Amazon, 7.74%.
4. 마이클 버리가 테슬라의 주가 하락에 5억 3천만 달러를 베팅했습니다.
전, 테슬라 잘 되는 쪽에 베팅하겠습니다.
The revealed that Burry bought more than 800,000 Tesla put options contracts in Q1 worth $534.4 million. Puts provide investors with gains when underlying securities drop in price. Tesla has not had a great 2021 on Wall Street, based on relatively bearish news coverage that hasn’t been substantiated or confirmed by Tesla itself. On several occasions, large media outlets have run with stories with no identifiable source. Local, named, and credible sources have stepped forward on several occasions to debunk claims regarding Tesla’s shortcomings.
5. 테슬라 모델 S의 오너이자, Mass Luminity의 CEO, Angel Munoz 는 차내 화상회의 서비스인 '비콘 4 테슬라'를 진행중입니다. 이 서비스는 공식적으로 2021년 7월 7일에 시작할 수 있다고 합니다.
해당 소식이 전해지며, 개발자들은 테슬라 앱스토어를 이용-개발할 준비가 되었다며, '개발자 전용 앱스토어 검토'가 필요하다는 이야기가 나오고 있습니다.
Munoz and Atroshenko believe that Beacon 4 Tesla could offer a much better experience if the in-car video conferencing service had access to the in-cabin cameras currently active in the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y. The Model S Plaid and Model X Plaid will have cameras facing the cabin and a . The Plaid Tesla vehicles also have surround sound speakers and noise cancellation features, technologies which can make in-car video conference calls very immersive.
“We would sign any kind of agreement with him [Elon Musk], if he just gives us access. And then it’d be a much better experience because it’s all tied in, there’d be an app on the Tesla instead of outside of the Tesla,” Munoz said.
Munoz and Atroshenko’s willingness to work with Tesla on Beacon’s in-car conferencing service hints that it may be time for the EV automaker to look into developing a dedicated Tesla App Store for third-party developers.
6. 증거 없이 테슬라 브레이크 내용을 보도한 언론들이 공개 사과했습니다.