2022. 3. 30. 테슬라 소식
2022. 3. 30. 10:25
1. 일론 머스크에 의하면, 유럽에서 좌측핸들을 사용하는 국가는 올해 여름에, 우측핸들을 사용하는 국가는 몇달 후 FSD 베타를 이용할 수 있을 것이라고 하네요.
간략히 정리해 올해 유럽까지 FSD베타를 확대 배포하겠다는 말로 들립니다.
2. 덴마크 아르후스(Denmark Aarhus)에 기가 베를린에서 양산된 모델Y 5대가 인도식을 갖기 위해 도착했습니다.
일론 머스크가 참석한 베를린 행사에서는 오너들에게 30대가 전달됐고, 그 후에도 유럽의 각 나라들 별로 기가 베를린과 비슷한 인도식을 갖는 것으로 보여집니다.
The first German-made Model Ys landed in Denmark. Five Giga Berlin-made Model Y Performances were delivered during the event in Aarhus.
The market is in dire need of Tesla cars, but at the moment, the manufacturer's production capacity is lower than demand. That is why the rapid ramp-up of production at the newly opened Giga Berlin plays a very important role. Europe is the third-largest market for Tesla in the world and during this year, the manufacturer will try to reach a high production capacity to meet demand as quickly as possible. It is expected that the ceremonies of the handover of Giga Berlin-made Model Ys will take place in several more countries in Europe in the near future.
3. 영국의 교통부 장관에 의하면, 영국의 모든 EV 소유자들이 곧 테슬라 슈퍼차저를 사용할 수 있다고 합니다.
2022년 2월에는 네덜란드에서 테슬라가 아닌 다른 업체 차량들도 슈퍼 차저를 이용할 수 있게 되었죠.
All EV owners in the UK will soon be able to use Tesla Superchargers, according to the UK's Transport Minister. This should happen within the next few weeks.
Tesla’s extensive Supercharger network is valued for its reliability and is one of the manufacturer's strongest competitive advantages. The opening of charging stations for other EV brands will increase the load on the network, but Tesla will try to control the situation, as in other markets where it has taken this step. In November 2021, the first trials began in the Netherlands, which were later extended to France and Norway. No major overload problems have been reported with the Superchargers. In February 2022, Tesla announced that all of its Superchargers in the Netherlands can now also be used by third-party vehicles.