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2024. 3. 25. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2024. 3. 25.

1. 테슬라가 Facebook에 다시 합류했으며 공식적으로 처음으로 플랫폼에서 유료 광고를 시작했습니다.


테슬라는 원래 6년 전에 FB 페이지를 삭제했었습니다.



X의 Sawyer Merritt님(@SawyerMerritt)

BREAKING: Tesla has rejoined Facebook and is officially doing paid advertisements on the platform for the first time ever. Tesla originally removed its FB page 6 years ago. Facebook has over 3 billion monthly active users, or approximately 37% of the globa


2. FSD V12.3.1은 이제 2023.44.30.30을 통해 처음으로 테슬라 고객에게 출시됐습니다.


여기에는 일부 조작 조정, 차선 중심 개선 및 기타 변경 사항이 포함됩니다.



X의 Teslascope님(@teslascope)

Full Self-Driving (Beta) V12.3.1 is now rolling out to @Tesla customers for the first time via 2023.44.30.30. This includes adjustments to some maneuvers and improvements to lane centering, along with other changes.


3. 테슬라는 비전 전용 Model Y(2024.2.11+)에 새로운 자동 주차 기능 출시했습니다.



X의 Tesla님(@Tesla)

Now rolling out


4. 테슬라는 휴머노이드 로봇 Optimus에 대한 사용자 가이드를 제작하기 위해 서비스 기술 작가를 고용하고 있습니다.

Tesla is seeking a Service Technical Writer to create user guides for its humanoid robot Optimus. The company seems to be making significant progress on the Tesla bot and has opened a few jobs to prove it. 

Tesla recently posted a job vacancy for a technical writer. The job’s description states:
“We are looking for a skilled Service Technical Writer with a passion for robotics and a strong background in technical communication to join our team. The Service Technical Writer will be responsible for creating comprehensive and user-friendly documentation for our robotic systems, including service manuals, troubleshooting guides, maintenance procedures, and training materials. 

“The ideal candidate will have excellent writing skills, technical proficiency, and the ability to translate complex technical information into clear and concise documentation that meets the needs of our customers and service technicians.”


5. 테슬라 외부 프로젝트 책임자인 테레사 에글러에 의하면, 기가 베를린의 가동을 비난하는 단체와 사람들은 팩토리의 물 소비량이 많다고 비판하지만, 모든 공장 폐수를 최대 100%까지 재활용 할 수 있기 때문에 원래 계획보다 기가 베를린이 훨씬 적은 양의 물을 사용하고 있다며 비판을 일축했습니다.

In comments to rbb24, Tesla External Projects Lead Theresa Eggler provided an overview of the facility’s water consumption as well as the technologies that the EV maker employs to ensure that the factory could recycle as much water as possible. The Tesla employee highlighted that Giga Berlin recycles almost all of its dirty water from car production. By doing this, Tesla is able to use far less water than originally planned. “We manage to recycle up to 100% of all of our process wastewater here,” she said.


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