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2023. 5. 11. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2023. 5. 11.

1. 모건 스탠리는 테슬라가 IRA를 통해 다른 자동차 회사들보다 훨씬 더 많은 혜택을 받을 것이라 예상하고 있습니다.


또한, 이 이익을 차량 가격은 더 낮추는데 이용할 것이라고 예측하네요. 


Tesla is a cost leader and achieves profitability that competitors cannot match. While many investors speculate that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will narrow its lead, Morgan Stanley has the opposite view.


2. 테슬라는 유럽에서 슈퍼차저 충전 가격을 최대 25% 인하했습니다.


현재까지 네덜란드, 이탈리아, 덴마크, 영국, 헝가리, 이스라엘, 독일 등에서 인하되었습니다.


Tesla lowers charging prices at Superchargers in Europe. The company has applied varying price reductions of up to 25 percent, offering the most competitive prices.

So far, it is known that prices have been reduced in the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, UK, Hungary, Israel, 
Germany, and others. In the Netherlands, for example, the price has dropped from € 0,42-0,45/kWh to € 0,33-0,37/kWh, and in Germany from € 0.52-0.59/kWh to € 0.40-0.44/kWh. In some locations, the price is € 0.39 per kWh. Charging prices at Superchargers are now the best among other providers.


3. 파나소닉은 2024년 3월 이전에 4680 배터리 셀 생산이 가능하다 말했었는데, 2024년 4월부터 9월까지로 생산 일정을 연기했습니다. 대량 생산은 2025년 3월 예정입니다.


연기 이유는 공유하지 않았습니다.

Longtime Tesla battery supplier Panasonic has announced a delay in the commercial production of its 4680 cells.
Panasonic previously suggested that mass production of its 4680 cells could be achieved between April 2023 and March 2024. As per the company’s recent statements, Panasonic is now planning to start commercial production of the next-generation cells during the April to September period in 2024.




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