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2024. 1. 13. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2024. 1. 13.

1. 테슬라는 작년 국세청과 재무부가 발표한 EV 세액 공제의 새로운 즉각적인 사용(기본 가격에서 바로 차감)을 수용했습니다. 


이전에는 전기차 구매자가 구매를 먼저 한 후 세금 공제를 받기 위해 기다려야 했지만 지금은 기본 구매 가격에서  7,500달러를 바로 할인받을 수 있습니다.

Tesla has embraced the new immediate use of the EV tax credit, which was announced last year by the IRS and Department of the Treasury.

In October, the IRS and Department of the Treasury announced that it would issue new guidance regarding the EV tax credit, with the changes taking effect in 2024.

In previous years, EV buyers would have to wait to receive their tax credit due to their purchase. The credit would be applied to the buyer’s taxes the following year.

However, the October changes would let buyers use the credit as a discount immediately, giving them the option to apply it as a discount at the point of sale, essentially taking $7,500 off of the purchase price. The amount can vary depending on the vehicle model, but $7,500 is the most a buyer could receive off of the purchase price.



2. 테슬라는 모델Y의 7인승 옵션 가격을 $500 인상했습니다. 


따라서 모델Y 7인승 옵션 선택시 총 $3,000를 지불해야 합니다.(인상 전에는 $2,500)

Tesla increased the price of the Model Y’s 7-seater option by $500. The Model Y with 7 seats now costs $3,000. Before Tesla raised the price, the Model Y’s 7-seat option was $2,500. 


3. Tesla China가 공유한 공식 출시 노트에 따르면 "음성 명령"이라고 부르던 이 기능은 이전 명명 규칙에서 벗어나 "음성 비서"라고 합니다.


새 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 단순히 음성 입력을 해석하고 실행하는 대신 이제 질문에 응답할 수 있는 새로운 음성 도우미와 상호 작용할 수 있습니다.


새로운 기능 중 일부에는 일기 예보, 주가 확인, 영어 번역, 당나라 시 읽기 등이 모두 자연스러운 목소리로 포함됩니다.

Tesla has released a new software update in China that has upgraded the in-car voice command system to a voice assistant. The improvements were included in the 2023.44.30.8 software update that started rolling out this week.

According to the official release notes shared by Tesla China, the feature is referred to as a “voice assistant,” departing from the previous naming convention of referring to it as voice commands. As the new name suggests, instead of just interpreting your voice input and actioning it, you can now interact with the new voice assistant, which can respond to your questions. Some of the new capabilities include being able to check weather forecasts, stock prices, translate English, and even read Tang poetry, all in a natural voice.


4. FSD (Beta) v12.1.1이 처음으로 Tesla 직원에게 릴리즈 됐습니다.



X의 Teslascope님(@teslascope)

Full Self-Driving (Beta) v12.1.1 is now rolling out to Tesla employees for the first time.


5. 일론 머스크와 스페이스X가 약물을 사용한 적이 없다는 NASA의 글에 일론은"저와 SpaceX의 모든 직원은 수년간 무작위 약물 테스트를 통과했습니다. NASA는 모든 결과를 받았습니다."라는 같은 의미의 글을 게시했습니다. 



X의 Sawyer Merritt님(@SawyerMerritt)

NEWS: Elon Musk’s @SpaceX isn’t in violation of workplace rules on alcohol & drugs that could jeopardize its government contracts, NASA said. “The agency does not have evidence of non-compliance from SpaceX" - NASA https://t.co/wxvbYTBZQh




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