1. FSD v12.1.2가 이제 *일부* 고객에게 제공되었고 처음으로 HW4가 탑재된 차량에도 포함됐습니다.
주중이나 주말에 더 광범위하게 릴리즈될 것으로 예상됩니다.
X의 Teslascope님(@teslascope)
We're pleased to share that Full Self-Driving (Beta) v12.1.2 is now going out to *some* customers and includes vehicles with HW4 for the first time.
2. 설날(New Year)을 앞둔 중국의 테슬라 딜리버리 센터 모습입니다.
X의 大趙님(@zhongwen2005)
People waiting for delivery before Chinese New Year #Tesla Delivery Center
3. 중국에 전시를 위한 사이버트럭이 들어왔습니다.
Tesla Cybertruck display prototypes have arrived in China
Tesla Cybertruck display units seem to have arrived in China, as spotted in photos shared on Sunday morning.
4. Xer Joe Tegtmeyer님에 의하면 기가 텍사스에서 사이버트럭을 시간당 8-9대 생산하는 것으로 추정하고 있습니다.
Tegtmeyer said in a post on X that production of both the Cybertruck and Model Y looked “noticeably up” during the rare Sunday flight, adding that the outbound lot was very active. In shots of the outbound lot, you can see at least 17 Cybertruck units (Joe estimates “around 20”) at the time of flying, along with several dozen Model Y units.
He also estimates that Tesla is putting out eight or nine Cybertrucks per hour, though he adds that it’s tough to tell since he’s only capturing a few minutes’ worth of the outbound lot. Notably and as Tegtmeyer points out, you can see in the outbound lot that Tesla is grouping the Model Y and Cybertruck units together, as it has been doing for the last several weeks.
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