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2021. 8. 12. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 8. 12.

1. 테슬라가 중국 정보화 부(MIIT)에 기가 상하이에서 배터리 종류가 다른 모델Y 5종류 차량을 생산하기 위해 허가 신청서를 제출했습니다.

구체적으로 60kWH 배터리 팩이 장착된 스탠다드 레인지 2종과,  76.8kWh, 78.4kWh 롱 레인지 2종, 78.4kWh 가 장착된 퍼포먼스 1종입니다.  

이 차량에는 리튬 이온 배터리와 리튬 철 인산염 배터리가 탑재되는데, 이는 현지와 국제 시장에 모두에 다양하면서도 적합한 방법으로 접근하기 위해서 입니다.

Tesla recently filed to produce five Model Y variants in Giga Shanghai with China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The filings hint that Giga Shanghai has indeed become Tesla’s main export hub.

Tesla China submitted filings for two Standard Range Model Y variants, both of which are equipped with a 60 kWh battery pack. The company also filed for two Long Range Model Y versions, one of which is fitted with a 76.8 kWh battery and the other a 78.4 kWh pack. Filings for the Model Y Performance, which is also equipped with a 78.4 kWh battery, rounded out the set.

Based on the filings, Giga Shanghai will be producing Model Ys with lithium-ion batteries and lithium-iron-phosphate batteries as well. This should allow Tesla to take a varied approach that would be best for both the local and international market.


2. 어제 조 바이든의 1조 달러 인프라 예산안이 상원을 통과 했습니다.

테슬라가 75억 달러의 예산을 받기 위해서는,
1) 산업 안전 표준을 충족하는 비독점 충전 커넥터를 제공해야 하고,
2) 모든 대중이 사용힐 수 있는 지불 방법에 대한 액세스를 제공해야 합니다.

쉽게 말해, 슈퍼차저를 타사 EV 오너들에게 제공하면 되는 것이죠. 아마, 이런 점 때문에 슈퍼 차저를 오픈할 것이라고 머스크가 선재적으로 말한 것이 아닌가 생각됩니다.

Tesla could be eligible to apply for the bill’s EV infrastructure fund once the Supercharger Network opens to non-Tesla cars.

Tesla could be eligible to apply for the bill’s EV infrastructure fund once the Supercharger Network opens to non-Tesla cars.

The bill lists two provisions that companies must meet to qualify for the billion-dollar fund allocated specifically for EV charging stations. First, companies must provide non-proprietary charging connectors that meet industry safety standards. Second, companies must provide open access to payment methods that all members of the public can use.


3. 머스크가 독일 총리 후보 Armin Laschet 의  기가 베를린 방문을 앞두고 베를린 근처에 도착했습니다.

머스크의 일정이 비즈니스 때문이라는 이야기가 있는데 자세한 내용은 알려지지 않았다네요.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has landed in Brandenburg near Giga Berlin today from Tuscany, Italy, after a short holiday. Musk arrives in Germany just days before German Chancellor Candidate Armin Laschet plans to visit Tesla’s European factory ahead of the election.

The nature of Musk’s visit to Berlin is likely business-related, but there is no confirmation of that right now. Just days after German media outlet Galileo+ released the first video of Giga Berlin’s interior, which included imagery of the automotive body presses Tesla will use to enhance production lines, Musk could be arriving to see how the progress of manufacturing lines is coming along.


4. 트위터 @green 에 의하면 테슬라의 오토파킹이 비전방식으로 전환됐다고 합니다.

Tesla’s Autopark is making headlines this morning as the Full Self-Driving suite capability has transitioned to a “vision-based” approach for operation.

Tesla hacker @greentheonly tested the new operation of Autopark and posted the results to his Twitter feed, where he regularly updates owners on what the automaker is working on through his savvy software decrypting skills. Interestingly, there are several differences between the new Autopark and previously-used versions of the feature that were standard with anyone who had the FSD Suite. The differences are operationally-based and depend on the vehicle’s external cameras instead of radar and “ultrasonic-only implementation,” as green called it.


'테슬라(Tesla)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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