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2021. 8. 18. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 8. 18.

1. 기가 상하이에서 올해 말까지 자동차 생산에 필요한 자재와 부품에 대해 90% 정도의 국산화율을 달성할 예정입니다.


중국 내에서의 국산화율이 높아지만 자재와 부품 비용이 크게 절감됩니다.


이 내용이 중요한게, 중국에서의 높아지는 국산화율은 결국 2만 5천 달러의 자동차 생산(모델2)과 이어지기 때문입니다.


모델2는 테슬라가 모빌리티 플랫폼 업체라는 점에서 굉장히 중요합니다. 수익이 자동차 판매 마진에서만 발생하는 것이 아니라, FSD 등의 서비스 부분에서도 발생하기 때문이죠.


모델2가 유럽과 중국, 인도 시장을 장악해야 합니다. 


By the end of the year, Tesla will reach a production localization rate of around 90% at Giga Shanghai. The factory should reach production of 450,000 vehicles per year, 66,100 of which should be exported.

Buying domestically can significantly reduce the cost of materials and components for car production. This, in turn, allows the prices of domestically sold cars to be reduced and sold at affordable prices outside of China.


The $25k Tesla is the company’s most ambitious vehicle yet. Smaller and more affordable than the Model 3, the $25k Tesla is expected to be produced in numbers that the company has never attempted or attained before. It’s also set to compete in a market where cost is king, with buyers in the segment likely prioritizing affordability over performance and features. It would then take a strong supply chain and some serious mass manufacturing strategies to ensure that the $25k Tesla is as profitable as its siblings like the Model 3 and Model Y. 


2. 테슬라가 인도에서 모델3에 이어 모델Y도 판매하기 위해 도로에서 테스트 하는 모습이 포착되었습니다.


판로는 확실한데, 자동차 양산을 위한 배터리와 반도체 확보가 걱정되긴 하네요.


While Tesla and the Indian government are still discussing the possibility of lowering taxes on electric vehicle imports, the California-based manufacturer is aiming to enter the country's market. Now, Tesla’s electric compact SUV, Model Y, was recently spotted testing on the roads of India.

Until now, Tesla has tested only Model 3 in India. Traditionally, the company begins to enter a new market with this model, since it is the most affordable, and the delivery of Model X and S is complicated by the global shortage of parts. However, Giga Shanghai recently started producing Model Y for export, which no doubt influenced the company's policy. The first deliveries of the SUV began in South Korea and European countries, and the factory intends to continue to increase their number.


3. 미국 도로교통안전국(NHTSA) 의 조사 중인 오토파일럿 관련 사고 내용을 보면, 편파적이라는 생각을 지울 수 없습니다.


충돌 사고 11 건 중에서도 상당수가 운전자의 부주의로 인한 사고 였네요.  


2건은 음주 운전, 다른 4건도 운전자의 부주의 및 과실 등입니다.


There is a difference between slant and straight-up inaccuracy. Slant is unavoidable as it typically relies on a writer’s personal biases. Making connections that could be immediately debunked with the slightest modicum of research, however, is completely avoidable. This was exactly the case on Monday as a wave of negative Tesla news emerged following an announcement that the NHTSA is launching a formal investigation on Autopilot over 11 incidents that involved Teslas crashing into parked emergency vehicles. 

Interestingly enough, one of the things that were not mentioned much (if at all) in the general coverage of the NHTSA Autopilot investigation was the state of the drivers in some of the incidents. As aggregated by some Tesla watchers online, a good number of the drivers in the 11 crashes were hardly the most attentive. Two incidents were deemed as DUI cases, for example, and one driver had a suspended license. Four cases involved driver inattention, with one incident having a driver who did not have their hands on the wheel for 3 minutes 41 seconds. The other four incidents have no police report readily available. 


4. 기가 텍사스에 모델Y 생산을 위한 3번째 기가 프레스가 도착했습니다. 


갯수도 중요하지만, 더 중요한 건 시작 시점이겠죠.


10월이면 축배를 들지 않을까 생각이 되네요.


More IDRA Giga Press boxes arrived at Tesla’s Giga Texas site. The packages reportedly contain parts for IDRA’s 6,000 ton Giga Press for Model Y production.

The IDRA boxes that just arrived contain Giga Texas’s third 6k-ton Giga Press for Model Y production. According to a recent video of the Tesla Texas factory, the casting machine’s place has already been prepared. The foundation for Giga Press number four is already being prepared as well.

Reports of test Model Y production starting in Giga Texas started brewing earlier this month. If tests go well, Tesla’s Texas factory could start Model Y production by the end of the third quarter or the beginning of the fourth quarter.


'테슬라(Tesla)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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2021. 8. 17. 테슬라 소식  (18) 2021.08.17
2021. 8. 16. 테슬라 소식  (12) 2021.08.16
2021. 8. 15. 테슬라 소식  (6) 2021.08.15
