1. 독일의 소프트웨어 전문가들 Textkernel 이 최근의 독일 자동차 노동시장을 분석했는데, '테슬라 효과'가 나타났다고 합니다.
WirtschaftsWoche 에 실린 내용에는, 독일 자동차 산업의 2020년 5월, 보험에 가입된 모든 일자리 수는 600개에 불과했고,
반면, 기가 베를린 건설을 위한 신규 일자리는 1300여개로, 독일 자동차 고용시장을 석권했습니다.
이러한 점 때문에, 머스크는 10월 양산 시작을 원한다 공개적으로 말하고 있고, 정치권에도 자신있게 어필하고 있습니다.
Software specialists, Textkernel, analyzed the German automotive labor market. The AI-powered study has provided interesting insights into the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the "Tesla effect."
According to a Textkernel study for WirtschaftsWoche, the German auto industry has begun to recover noticeably faster from the effects of COVID-19 and there is a greater need for skilled workers. Since the start of the first lockdown, the German auto industry first experienced a sharp decline of 24%. For example, in May 2020, the number of all offered insured jobs in the sector was only 600.
Despite the dire situation during COVID-19, Tesla continues to increase the number of vacancies, which has led to a high level of job offers in the industry. With the construction of its new factory, Giga Berlin, the American electric vehicle manufacturer created a “special offer” of jobs as it required a large number of new workers. In March and April, Tesla dominated the German auto job market with 1,300 jobs out of 2,000.
2. 글로벌 블록체인 기술업체 BOTS 는 자동차 대리점에서 중고 테슬라 차량을 도지코인(dogecoin)으로 구매할 수 있도록 서비스를 시작했다고 합니다.
Global blockchain technology company BOTS, Inc. announced today that it has begun allowing local car dealerships to accept cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin to purchase used Tesla vehicles. BOTS became one of the first publicly traded companies to accept Dogecoin as payment for their products and services.
BOTS, Inc. is an international information technology company focusing on Fintech, Blockchain l, and cryptocurrency. It creates golden opportunities for businesses to capitalize on new, unexplored markets using cryptocurrency and technology solutions on Blockchain platforms. On August 16, the company announced that it has begun allowing local car dealerships to accept cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin for used Tesla vehicles.
3. 테슬라 모델3/Y 가 미국의 2021년 상반기 신규 EV 등록 차량 중 2/3를 차지했습니다.
모델Y는 작년 상반기 1만 113대가 등록됐고, 올해 상반기에는 8만 1,802대가 등록됐습니다.
또한, 모델3는 전년동기 대비 8.4% 증가한 5만 6,755대가 등록됐습니다.
With the electric vehicle market gaining momentum this year, it was no surprise that the United States’ best-selling EVs — the Model Y and Model 3 — accounted for the lion’s share of the total EV registrations in the country. Tesla’s vehicles accounted for about 2/3 of all new EV registrations in the first half of the year, and that’s with the high-margin Model S sedan seeing limited deliveries and the Model X SUV being entirely on pause.
The Tesla Model Y’s numbers for the first half of 2021 were extremely impressive, with 81,802 of the vehicles being registered in the US. This is a massive increase in the sales of the all-electric crossover, as the vehicle only saw 10,113 registrations during the first half of 2020. Following the Model Y was the Model 3, which saw 56,755 registrations from January to June 2021, an increase of 8.4% year-over-year.
4. 미국 도로교통안전국(NHTSA)에서 십여 차례 충돌 사고를 일으킨 테슬라의 오토파일럿에 대해 조사한다는 내용이 올라왔습니다.
물론 사고가 제로이면 좋겠지만, 4년여 동안 11번의 사고 밖에 내지 않았는데, 크게 문제 삼을 필요가 있을까 생각이 되네요.
개인적으로는 이러한 FUD 에 추매로 대응한 분들, 혹은 아무 염려 없이 홀딩한 분들이 승리자라고 생각합니다.
The U.S. opened a formal investigation into Tesla Inc.’s Autopilot system after almost a dozen collisions at crash scenes involving first-responder vehicles, stepping up its scrutiny of a system the carmaker has charged thousands of dollars for over the last half decade.
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