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2021. 9. 22. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 9. 22.

단기 일정을 체크하면 이번 주 금요일에는 FSD 베타 10.1 릴리즈가,

그 다음주 10월 1일 장마감 ~ 10월 4일 장 시작 사이에 3Q 딜리버리 발표가 있습니다. 참고하세요.



1. 기가 베를린에서 10월부터 진행되는 인턴쉽 교육 신청을 받습니다.


세부 내용을 보면 11개의 직책으로, 몇몇 인턴쉽은 5-6개월 진행이 되고, 데이터 엔지니어링 인턴쉽은 10월 16일부터 시작입니다.


  • Permitting Internship
  • Data Engineering Internship
  • Project Coordination Internship
  • Construction Purchasing Internship
  • Manufacturing Purchasing Internship
  • Mechanical Completions Commissioning Internship
  • Paint Manufacturing Engineering Internship
  • Design Management Internship
  • Security Intelligence Internship
  • Architecture and Integrated Planning Internship
Tesla Giga Berlin has started accepting applications for internships at the factory. Most positions have a training period of 5-6 months, and training starts in October.

While some positions do not have an internship duration or start time description, others give more details. For example, the Permitting Internship will start "as soon as possible," which probably means that as soon as a candidate is selected, they will start work immediately. Data Engineering Internship starts October 16. Several other internships indicate that training will begin in October, without specifying a date. A few more posts have no mention of start dates at all.


2. 기가 상하이가 2021년 3분기를 마무리 하는 시점에서, 사실상 플레드 모드에 들어갔다는 소식입니다. 


다시 말해, 엄청난 속도로 양산하고 있다는 말입니다.


모델Y 는 하루 1천대, 모델3는 800대 생산입니다.


As the third quarter comes to a close, Tesla China has practically entered “Plaid Mode” with its operations in Gigafactory Shanghai. Based on recently taken videos of the expansive electric vehicle production plant, it appears that strong efforts are now underway to ensure that Giga Shanghai produces and delivers as many vehicles as possible until the end of the month. 

Back in August, reports emerged stating that Gigafactory Shanghai has managed to achieve a production rate of 1,000 Model Y units per day, formally exceeding the facility’s Model 3 daily output of 800 units. This improvement was achieved after Tesla China temporarily paused Model Y production in Gigafactory Shanghai to make way for upgrades on the facility’s assembly lines. 



트로이님은 3분기 22만 9천대 딜리버리할 것으로 예측하고 있습니다. 




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