오늘은 오전부터 건강검진을 받는 일정이 있어서 포스팅이 늦어졌네요.
상쾌한 10월을 하루 앞둔 날이니 만큼, 양해 부탁드리겠습니다. ^^;;
1. 머스크가 미국 캘리포니아주 2021년 코드 컨퍼런스에서 언급했던 내용이 올라왔습니다.
1) 정부가 암호화폐를 파괴하는 것은 불가능 하지만, 그 진보를 늦출 수는 있다.
2) 중국 내의 암호화폐 억제는 전기 부족 때문일 수 있다.
3) 8월, 백악관에서 주최한 EV 회담 때, '테슬라를 한 번도 언급하지 않았고, GM과 포드가 EV 혁명을 주도했다고 칭찬한 것에 대해, 가장 우호적인 행정부는 아니라고 답했습니다.
When asked by the New York Times journalist about whether the U.S. government should be involved in regulating the crypto sphere, Musk said no. He clarified that cryptocurrency won’t be destroyed, but governmental intervention can slow its advance.
Musk said that, in his opinion, cryptocurrency has value. This is especially true when it comes to reducing “error and latency” in legacy money systems. However, he admitted that he is not a cryptocurrency expert.
Speaking at the conference, Musk was critical of the White House summit on electric vehicles in August to which automakers other than Tesla were invited. "(They) didn't mention Tesla once and praised GM and Ford for leading the EV revolution. Does that sound maybe a little biased?" he said. "Not the friendliest administration, seems to be controlled by unions," Musk added.
2-1. 브란덴부르크 총리는 2021년에 기가 베를린의 최종 승인 결정이 가능하다고 말했습니다. 3주간의 청문회가 성공적으로 마쳐지고, 제기된 이의 제대로 처리되면, 올해 안에 인준 결정이 내려질 것으로 본다고 말했습니다.
The final construction permit for the Tesla factory in Grunheide may be obtained in 2021, says Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke.
According to Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke, a decision on the final approval of Tesla's electric car factory near Berlin is possible this year. “If the hearing is successful and the objections raised are properly dealt with, I think the approval decision will be made this year,” he said. Woidke was referring to the three-week process of discussing objections to the construction of Giga Berlin, which is taking place right now.
음... 계속 똑같은 말을 하고 있는 것이겠지만, 그래도 팩토리 투어 이후에는 지역 사람들과 더 우호적인 관계가 형성되어 반드시 허가에 대한 긍정적 내용이 나올 것이라 생각됩니다.
2-2. 기가 베를린에서 부동액과 윈드실드, 질소와 이산화탄소를 저장하기 위한 가스 실린더, 스프링쿨러 시스템용 컨테이너 등 기술적 시스템을 설치하기 위한 사전 허가서를 접수했습니다.
Tesla Giga Berlin has received another prior approval from the Brandenburg State Environmental Administration, which allows for the installation of parts of technical systems, namely tanks for antifreeze liquid and windshield washer fluid, gas cylinders for storing nitrogen and carbon dioxide, as well as containers for a sprinkler system.
The construction of Giga Berlin is already nearing completion and the main efforts of the company are focused on the installation of equipment and various parts of the system. Tesla received another prior approval from the State Environmental Administration on Wednesday to build its plant. It involves installing a portion of the system technology that the company has claimed. In particular, it is the installation of tanks for antifreeze and windscreen washer fluid. The company can now install the tanks, but commissioning—that is, filling the tanks with liquids—has not yet been permitted, according to a statement from the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment.
3. Wedbush 의 댄 아이브스도 3Q2021 딜리버리에 대해 23만대를 예측하고 있습니다.
월가에서의 예측치도 223k ~ 233k 입니다. 참고하시길요.
- Wedbush analyst Dan Ives says September Tesla deliveries are on pace for “massive trajectory”
- Ives reiterates “Outperform” rating; holds $1,000 price target
- Tesla on pace for 230,000 deliveries, Ives predicts
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