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2022. 7. 1. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2022. 7. 1.

1. 테슬라에서 사용한 충전식 리튬 배터리에서 추출하는 방법에 대한 특허를 냈습니다.


지금도 물론 폐기한 리튬 이온 배터리를 매립지로 보내지 않고 100% 재활용하고 있지만, 테슬라에서는 최선의 방법으로 재활용하는 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 


Tesla is committed to becoming more environmentally friendly, both in its operations and in making its products greener. The new patent, “Process for recovering materials from spent rechargeable lithium batteries,” will help achieve this, while bringing great savings in material reuse.

In addition, spent rechargeable lithium batteries are considered environmentally dangerous and flammable, so it is very important that they be recycled. To date, none of Tesla's scrapped lithium-ion batteries goes to landfills; they are 100% recycled. However, Tesla continues to look for ways to recycle them in the best possible way, and the most important point here is the efficient extraction of useful materials that can be reused in the production of new batteries.


2. 2021년 6월, 한국의 소비자 권리를 위한 시민 연합에서 테슬라와 머스크를 자동차 관리법 위반 혐의로 고소했습니다. 고소 사유는 숨겨진 도어 핸들이 사용자에게 어려움을 야기한다는 것이었습니다.


한국 경찰 관계자에 의하면 테슬라 문은 전기가 끊기는 비상시에도 기계식 도어 릴리즈 시스템으로 무리 없이 문을 열기 때문에 사건 회부를 하지 않겠다고 합니다.


Back in June 2021, South Korea’s Citizens United for Consumer Sovereignty pressed charges against Elon Musk and Tesla for allegedly violating the country’s Motor Vehicle Management Act. According to the group, the “hidden” door handles of Tesla’s electric cars are “defects” that create difficulties for users. 

A South Korean police official issued the following statement. 

“The accusers claimed that the failure of the vehicle’s door to open when the power was shut off represented a ‘vehicle defect,’ and after questioning of witnesses and an authoritative interpretation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, it was determined that this could not be viewed as a flaw that creates problems for safe operation of the vehicle, and the decision was made not to refer the case due to lack of evidence,” the official noted.


3. 기가 텍사스가 50만 평방미터 확장 허가서를 제출했습니다.

4. 2022Q2 딜리버리 발표를 앞두고 상황에 예측치를 최신화 하면 아래와 같습니다.


<2022Q2 Delivery 예상>

- Wedbush : 250k

- 트로이님 : 254k

- Factset: 265k

- Bloomberg: 282k



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