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2024. 2. 21. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2024. 2. 21.

1. 일론이 "언론의 자유에 대한 확고한 지지자이고 우크라이나가 Starlink를 통해 '러시아의 공격에 대해 소통하고, 조정하고, 저항할 수 있도록 도왔다"라는 내용 등으로 노벨 평화상 후보로 지명됐습니다.


Elon Musk has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as a 'stout proponent for free speech', joining conservationists, journalists, religious leaders and political activists in an exclusive group of the world's foremost actors for change.

Marius Nilsen, MP for Norway's libertarian Progress Party, claimed to have put forward the X owner and Tesla founder for his 'adamant defense of dialogue, free speech and [enabling] the possibility to express one's views' in a 'continuously more polarized world'.

Nilsen also credited Musk's satellite internet constellation Starlink, operated by SpaceX, in his decision, noting its use in Ukraine for resistance fighters to 'communicate, coordinate and withstand the attack from Russia' as the war rages on.


2. 일론은 FSD v12가 너무 좋지만 여전히 혼란스러운 부분도 있다는 게시글에 "v12.3에서 주의깊게 다뤄진다"라고 X에 답글을 달았습니다. 



X의 Elon Musk님(@elonmusk)

@CdotSwish These issues are addressed in 12.3


3. 사이버트럭은 중국에서도 최고의 관심을 받고 있습니다. 




Tesla Cybertruck generates massive interest in China despite sales restrictions

Cybertruck tour opens to crowds yet sales reportedly impossible.


4. 부정적 기사도 있는데, Giga Berlin 공장 근처에 거주하는 지역 주민들은 지역 당국이 협의한 구속력 없는 공개 조사에서 시설 확장 계획에 반대표를 던졌습니다.


반대 3,499표 / 찬성 1,882표

Locals living near the site of Tesla's large German factory in Grünheide have voted against plans to expand the facility in a non-binding public survey conducted by local authorities. 

Participation was high by the standards of such semi-formal citizen consultations. There were 3,499 votes against and 1,882 in favor, equating to a turnout of around 70% in the small settlement east of Berlin, fairly close to the border with Poland.

5. 테슬라는 미국에서 세 가지 새로운 색상의 Cybertruck 랩을 출시했습니다.


새로운 색상과 가격:

• 새틴 로즈 골드: $6,500

• 새틴 어비스 블루: $6,500

• 슬립 그레이: $6,000



X의 Sawyer Merritt님(@SawyerMerritt)

NEWS: Tesla has released three new colored Cybertruck wraps in the U.S. New colors and prices: • Satin Rose Gold: $6,500 • Satin Abyss Blue: $6,500 • Slip Grey: $6,000 Shop: https://t.co/n96EAiowYA




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