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2021. 11. 1. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2021. 11. 1.

1. 10월 27일, 테슬라는 프리몬트 공장 부지 구입 11주년을 기념했습니다.

The purchase of factory space in Fremont, California set the stage for the mass production of Tesla cars, which powered the EV revolution. On October 27, the company celebrated the 11th anniversary of the purchase of the factory.


2. 켄터키주 베레아 경찰서에 의하면 6개월 동안 테슬라 차량 3대를 가동한 결과 예상보다 23% 많은 7천달러 이상을 절약했다고 합니다.

이런 내용들은 미래에 얼마나 많은 정부, 기업에서 테슬라 차량을 선호 & 구입하게 될지를 알게 해줍니다.

Three Tesla Model 3s at Berea Police Department in Kentucky saved more than $7,000 in just six months of operation, 23% more than expected. City officials acknowledge that electric vehicles are the future.


3. 스타링크 위성 서비스가 인도 전역에도 제공될 것으로 보여집니다.

계획상으로, 1단계시 100개의 하드웨어 키트 무료제공, 2단계시 12개의 농촌 지역 선별, 3단계시 2022년까지 20만개의 스타링크 위성 장비를 운영하는 것입니다.

During Starlink roll out ‘Phase 1,’ SpaceX plans to provide 100 Starlink hardware kits for free to rural Indian communities. The kits include a phased-array dish antenna and Wi-Fi router to access the satellite network. 20 Starlink Kits will be delivered to schools in Delhi and 80 for schools in a rural district located close to Delhi. In Phase 2, Starlink representatives will work with local leaders to identify 12 rural districts, three situated in each coordinate - North, South, East & West - across the country. By the end of 2022, the company’s Phase 3 goal is to operate at least 200,000 Starlink devices, 160,000 of those in rural communities across India. This plan would pave the path for India telecommunication authorities to grant SpaceX an commercial internet provider license to expand the service to more customers. The video presentation was also shared on Twitter by Tesla India Club, linked below. 


4. the r/TeslaMotors subreddit 에 매트 블랙 사이버 트럭이 올라왔는데, 정말 멋지네요.

r/TeslaMotors subreddit


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