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2022. 1. 7. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2022. 1. 7.

1. 약 2주 전부터 기가 베를린에서의 모델Y 생산 소식이 있었는데, 지금도 모델Y가 제작되고 있는 상황이며, 새로 추가된 색상의 차량들도 도열해 있습니다.


사실상 모든 생산 시스템을 갖췄으며, 서류상의 행정 승인만 남기고 있는 셈이죠.


Photo: @GF4Tesla/Twitte

Although Giga Berlin has not yet officially launched, Tesla continues to manufacture Model Y there for test purposes. Dozens of cars painted in the new colors are in the factory yard, indicating that the factory is ready for mass production.


2. 기가 텍사스에 4680 배터리셀 생산을 위한 장비들이 계속 들어오고 있고, 배터리셀 작업장 3층 공간이 채워지고 있습니다. (이틀 전 내용입니다.)


3. 기가 상하이에서의 엄청난 인력 충원이 있습니다. 


뉴 모델 생산 지역에 인력이 6천명에서 9천명으로 50% 늘었고, 확장 공사가 완료되면 총 19,000 명이 됩니다.


혹시 2만5천달러의 차량 때문 아니냐는 예측도 있는데, 개인적으로는 기존 차량들의 생산 캐파를 늘리는 쪽으로 무게감을 두고 생각하고 있습니다. 


Tesla’s workforce expansion at Gigafactory Shanghai in China will grow the electric automaker’s “new model production area” by 50%, from 6,000 to 9,000 employees. When the expansion plan is complete, Tesla will employ 19,000 workers at the facility.

Tesla has been rumored to be developing a $25,000, more traditional compact EV that would be released in China, and its development is supposedly taking place at Gigafactory Shanghai’s new Research & Development Center within the complex. However, it is unlikely that Tesla would expand the R&D of this rumored vehicle to 9,000 people, so it is more likely than anything that the expansion is pointing toward the Model Y production lines.


4. 스페이스X 에서 스타링크 위성을 49개 추가 배치했습니다. 


이로써 1,993개가 되었으며, 이번 배치 위성들 역시 레이저를 통한 상호 통신이 되는 버전입니다.


Approximately 20-minutes after liftoff, Falcon 9’s upper-stage deployed the 49 Starlink satellites to orbit, increasing the constellation size to 1,993. In the weeks ahead, the satellites will use their onboard Krypton-powered ion thrusters to propel into an operational orbit. SpaceX is currently working on building Phase 1 of the Starlink constellation which involves launching 4,400 satellites into five orbital planes referred to as 'shell'. These shells are located at different altitudes above the planet, between 540 and 560 kilometers with orbital inclinations of 53, 53.2, 70, and 97.6 degrees. Today’s mission deployed satellites into Shell 4 at 53.2 degrees to the equator. SpaceX is working to enable service coverage worldwide, as well as mobility to enable Starlink internet aboard moving vehicles, like RVs, sea-going vessels, and even airplanes. During the mission’s live broadcast, launch commentator SpaceX Engineer Jessie Anderson shared that the Starlink network now has over 145,000 users across 25 countries globally. 





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