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2022. 1. 5. 테슬라 소식

by 테슬라조아 2022. 1. 5.

1. CFRA 에서 테슬라 PT 를 $875 에서 $1,250 으로 상향했습니다. 


이 가격은 2024년의 예상 p/e 인 95.4 와 eps 13.10 을 바탕으로 산정되었네요.


CFRA upgraded Tesla shares from Hold to Buy and increased its price target from $875 to $1,250, based on a '24 P/E of 95.4x, justified by TSLA's earnings growth potential and strong execution.

CFRA analyst Garrett Nelson raised the price target for Tesla from $875 to $1,250. He indicated that he raised the 12-month target based on a '24 P/E of 95.4x, justified by TSLA's earnings growth potential and strong execution.

"We hike our 12-month target by $375 to $1,250, based on a '24 P/E of 95.4x justified by TSLA's earnings growth potential and strong execution. We raise our adjusted EPS estimates by $0.65 to $6.50 for '21, by $1.45 to $9.05 for '22, by $2.15 to $11.25 for '23, and introduce '24 at $13.10."


2. 테슬라가 작년 반도체 칩 부족을 타 자동차 업체들에 비해 상대적으로 쉽게 피할 수 있었던 것은 수직적 통합 때문이라고 로이터 통신이 말했습니다.


이제는 전혀 새롭지 않은, 좀 진부한 이야기로 들리네요.


This is just one part of Tesla’s vertical integration, which helps the company avoid the massive shipping bottlenecks that kept cars away from customers for the majority of 2021. Other companies were forced to delay production and deliveries; there just were not enough chips to go around. However, Tesla’s key advantage over other OEMs was the fact that many elements of its products are designed in-house, down to the most complex portions of a design. “We’re designing and building so much more of the car than other OEMs, who will largely go to the traditional supply base and like I call it, catalog engineering. So it is not very adventurous,” CEO Elon Musk said during the Q3 2020 Earnings Call.

Reuters spoke to a Tesla insider who is involved in the engineering of the company’s chips, which shed light on how effective the vertical integration advantage is. “We design circuit boards by ourselves, which allow us to modify their design quickly to accommodate alternative chips like powerchips,” the employee told Reuters.


3. Panasonic North America 은 2022년말까지 레드우드의 재활용 재료로 만든 구리 호일을 사용할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.


구리 호일은 배터리 셀 생산에 있어서 필수 구성 요소입니다.


On Tuesday, January 4, Panasonic announced that Redwood Materials would start supplying copper foil to its battery production facility in Giga Nevada. The Japanese tech giant announced the news during the 2022 CES tech trade show. 

“Our work together to establish a domestic circular supply chain for batteries is an important step in realizing the full opportunity that EVs have to shape a much more sustainable world,” said Allan Swan, the President of Panasonic Energy of North America, at the latest CES tech trade show.

As for battery cell production, copper foil is an essential component to the anode or negative side of batteries. The anode is typically made of copper foil and coated with graphite. In September 2021, Redwood Materials announced plans to produce sustainable battery materials, specifically anode copper foil and cathode active materials. The cathode would be the positive side of batteries. 


4. Mizuho Securities 의 애널리스트 Vijay Rakesh 는 테슬라 PT를 $950 에서 $1,300 으로 상향했습니다.


Vijay Rakesh 에 대한 평도 좋네요.


5. 기가 텍사스의 부지가 얼마나 큰지를 보여주는 이미지입니다. 


아직도 공장을 지을 남은 땅들이 많네요.



