1. 테슬라는 2015년부터 1년간 프리몬트 공장에서 근무했던 전직 흑인 노동자의 학대를 막지 못했다며 1억 3,700만 달러의 손해배상금을 지급하라는 법원의 판결을 받았습니다.
이에 테슬라 측에서는 더 나은 근무 환경을 만들겠다고 밝혔습니다.
추가로, 다른 기사에서는 테슬라가 항소할 것으로 보인다고 언급했습니다.
Tesla is still a young company that does not have a century of history behind it, so it is just learning to produce excellent products, while at the same time creating a friendly working environment. Tesla admits it still has work to do, in light of a recent court order to pay compensation to a former contract employee who was reportedly racially harassed.
Tesla has been ordered to pay almost $137 million in damages for failing to stop a Black former worker at its plant from being abused. In this regard, Valerie Capers Workman, VP, People at Tesla posted a blog post
describing the situation, her view of the jury's verdict, and the company's commitment to creating a better working environment.
The jury deliberated for about four hours before agreeing that Tesla had created a hostile work environment by failing to address the racism being faced by Diaz. The jury agreed that a total amount of $137 million — comprised of $130 million worth of punitive damages and $6.9 million for emotional distress — was sufficient for the case. Tesla is expected to appeal the order.
2. 테슬라 모델3는 올해 9월, 영국에서 6,879대가 팔렸습니다.
여기에서의 핵심은 전기자동차의 경우 작년대비 49.4%가 상승하였고, 반면 내연기관 차량은 34.4%가 감소했다는 사실입니다.
우리의 예측보다도 내연기관의 종말은 빠르게 다가오고 있습니다.
It is encouraging to note that sales of battery-powered vehicles were up 49.4% year-on-year. This trend is likely related to the ban on the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles starting in 2030. A total of 215,312 new vehicles were registered in the UK last month, down 34.4% from the same month in 2020.
3. 머스크는 부품난으로 인한 생산 중단을 피하고, 고무적인 성과를 낸 것에 대해, 극히 어려운 도전이라고 말했습니다.
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